Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Don't Want To Look Like Her

'Her' meaning the next Christian Woman.

I believe that Christian women should look modest-- not showing off their bodies or putting themselves in any spotlight-- but I don't think that modesty only has one look.

It is possible to look modest and decent without having to look like the woman next to you in Church, right?

I sure think so!


  1. I think so too! :)

    Do you have any outift ideas? I have never wore a modest skirt before. I am a Christian teen, and I want to convert to modest clothing.

    God bless!

  2. Hi! Thanks for stopping by :)
    I am still working on putting together outfits that are modest, yet unique to my personality.
    However, I have seen some great skirts on the website
    You should give that a look. I'm so happy that you're interested in dressing to please God!

    God bless!!

  3. Hi! Thanks for stopping by :)
    I am still working on putting together outfits that are modest, yet unique to my personality.
    However, I have seen some great skirts on the website
    You should give that a look. I'm so happy that you're interested in dressing to please God!

    God bless!!
