What I'm talking about is abuse. Any and all types (there are a good amount).
My Webster's pocket dictionary defines abuse as:
1. use wrongly
2. mistreat
3. berate
Simple enough for me. That is really what it is when you get down to the root of it. I know a couple of people who have been abused in a variety of ways. I don't think one abuse is more serious than other (more violent? yes).
This is 2013 it should be well known by now that the lack of visible scars is irrelevant where abuse is concerned.
When one person uses their power over another person, in any way, to cause harm or to seek their own satisfaction...that is abuse.
Some forms of abuse that I'm aware of are:
- Physical
- Sexual
- Verbal
- Emotional/mental
It's important to seek God for healing! Muy importante! He is the ultimate comforter!
If possible try to get some closure. Talk to someone, someone you can trust that is in the position to help you.
Do you know anyone who have been in this situation? What advice would you give?