Thursday, August 26, 2010
Back To School?! Goodbye Summer!
It's back to school time for us students. About 3 weeks ago I was bored out of my mind and ready to be productive, but now that that's a reality, I wish I had 3 more weeks to enjoy summer! I'm going to miss staying up so late that I get to watch the morning news before going to bed :)
However, I do need something mind-stimulating to do. I enjoyed my summer, I had a lot of those 'lazy summer days' and they were as fun as going to Dorney park and the Women's Retreat in P.A.
Now it's back to late nights writing papers instead of watching T.V and not-so-lazy fall/winter days. I'm hoping to be able to make enough time for blogging and keeping up with my bible studies! I want to keep that closer and deeper relationship with God that developed this summer!
Hope summer leaves me with a smile on my face...see you next year 80- degree nights.
Monday, August 23, 2010
God's Word!

Psalm 51:12
"Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit."
There are times that Christians go through tough times and we throw ourselves pity parties, but we have to remember, the God that we serve! We must remember that no matter what we go through, we are blessed because we have salvation. We serve a God that has already conquered the world and all it's problems.
I will pray this scripture when I'm feeling down.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Different, Is Who I Am!
Ever had the feeling that you're born to stand out and be different?
I have. All my life, I've tried to fit in. Fit in at school, fit in with a certain group of people and even fit in at church.
I've always thought that there was something wrong with me; that maybe I needed to change who I am. Maybe I need to change the way I speak to fit it at school, maybe I need to change the things I do to fit in with this certain group or maybe I need to change the way I dress to fit in with people at church! And unfortunately I have tried faking it. I tired to change myself to be more acceptable and to blend in more...but fortunately it didn't work!
I've tried wearing clothes I know that people at church would like and although they seemed to accept it; I completely hated it!
I've come to the point in my life where I love being different! As long as I know that God is pleased with me and my life, I feel comfortable when I stand out; I feel special.
I have had people tell me, with good intentions I'm sure, that I'm supposed to do this that way and have that this way, but as long as God is pleased with what I'm doing (and He always lets me know when He's displeased) I politely accept their advice, but keep being true to my God and myself!
About a year or two ago, I realized that everyone has different personalities and have had different experiences affects the way they see things. And so when someone tells us something or advises us on something, no matter how good-natured their intentions are, it will be tainted by their personality and their views and they probably wont be the only ones telling us things and giving us advice. So if we hang on to their every word, we will become a confused mess.
This has happened to me before, which is why I realized that I must stay true to God and the person he made me.
Remember though, that we learn new things everyday that we are alive and we grow as we see things in new ways. God uses people to help us along, but be sure to not let anyone change us!
I am very grateful for the people that God uses to speak to and enlighten me, and I am also very grateful that he has allowed me to be different from everyone around me! And that He is with me, so that every one's words and advice wont sway me, from the kind of person I am!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Books I've Read: Splitting Harriet By Tamara Leigh

Splitting Harriet by Tamara Leigh
This novel is about a twenty something named Harriet. Harriet went through a vicious period of rebellion in her teenage years. Rebellion that cause a lot of hurt and loss to her family and others that care about her.
Now that she's returned her heart to Jesus. She's determined to to keep it there, by playing it safe. She only hangs out with elderly people at her church; staying away from friends her age.
Until she meets this guy, Maddox!
Harriet will learn that there can be balance when you're living for God.
Out of the 3 books by Tamara Leigh, this one is my favorite. I found it more entertaining and I liked the characters more than the ones in the previous two books. All 3 books are great though! I'm so happy Leigh brought together such a great blend of entertainment and spiritually up-lifting scenarios!
You can go to and type in the name of this book (and other books mentioned) to read the description and everything. I hope you like it!!!
~God Bless! :)
*Photo Credit:
God's Word!

1 Samuel 2:2
"There is none as holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God."
This verse explains itself! I just Love it!
There is no one as holy as God!
There is no one that compares to Him; No One that can be a substitute to Him!
There is no one, no thing...not even a rock or anything as strong as a rock, that is as strong and stable and reliable and our God! Praise His name! :-)
~God Bless! :)
I need to start fasting. I'm not sure where in the Bible (hence my reason for my Bible study), but I know it says that certain things will only be done, by fasting and prayer.
No one has really, thoroughly explained fasting to me ( and I haven't bothered to find out myself, I know, shame on me), but what I've picked up along the way is that, fasting is a sacrifice unto God. Food is something that the human body needs, and so fasting is like saying "LORD, I know that I need food, but I am putting aside my need for food, as a sacrifice for you, so that you will do such and such for me."
I'm not sure if I'm right (obviously I need to do some information-seeking prayers), but this is the concept I have in mind when making the decision to fast.
I'm starting today, I will be fasting from 1pm to 6pm today. During that time, I will also be praying, (fasting and prayer goes together like 'Pb' and 'J'). I am praying for all the things that I need God to do in my life, things I need him to do for me [give me strength, courage/confidence/boldness to his work...etc,], people I need him to bless and speak to, and so on.
Also with fasting, we have to make sure that we don't 'show off' to others. Like Matthew 6:16 says (NLT): "And when you fast, don't make it obvious like hypocrites do, who try to look pale and disheveled so people will admire them for their fasting. I assure you, that is the only reward they will ever get."
I used to do that :( When I was younger, I used to skip breakfast and look the part, and when people asked me what's wrong, I would say in the most depressed voice "I'm fasting." Like it was a burden on me or something.
Now, I know better and will not be doing that! I'm going to make sure that people won't be able to look at me and think something is wrong. I'm doing this for God, so I will be happy about it...despite the growling noises my tummy makes.
Happy fasting! :)
~God Bless! :)
Don't Worry About A Thing...Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright!
I finished my Bible study (the book of Esther) about an hour ago, then I was just flipping through my Bible and then stopped on Jeremiah 17 and my eyes kind of scrolled down to the 7th and 8th verses which says:
(In King James Version) "Blessed be the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. (verse 8) For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit."
And in New Living translation says "Blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. (Verse 8) They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green and they go right on producing delicious fruit."
I stopped and re-read those verses over and over and then I realized what God was saying to me. NO MATTER WHAT is going on, just Trust in the LORD and everything is going to be alright!
Can you imagine how hard that can be? Imagine being sent eviction or foreclosure letters, not having enough money to get your next meal; family, friends and loved ones saying "see ya!" And still having a smile on your face saying "God I Trust you!" ???!!! The easier/natural and more human thing to do, might be to break down crying screaming "I give up!" or "I don't know what the [insert obscenities here] I'm going to do!"
BUT...remember Who made the Heavens and the Earth, who keeps the sun from crashing into the us, whose words alone can calm a storm! Why wouldn't He come to our rescue and save us from our little problems?? Yes, I said little, because compared to everything mentioned before, our problems are little, tiny, minute!
He make sure to provide for the animals, one way or the other, so WHY would he not do the same for us, who he loves and cares more for?
I hope this scripture verse encourages you as much as it encouraged me!!!
~God Bless! :)
God's Word!

Esther 4:16 (New King James Version)
"Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish."
This is a famous verse for me...I've heard this many times during preachings and such. But I haven't (in a long time anyway), read and study this verse in-depth. Esther, this young woman that God chose to do his work, was faced with a choice of her life or saving her people. She told her people to pray and fast for her because she decided to do what God wants her to do; and if she dies...then she dies! That's so amazing. Knowing that I can possibly die doing what God wants me to do...what will be my answer? Yes, Lord yes...with Your help, of course! :)
~God Bless! :)
Personal Bible Study!
I decided that I need to strengthen some of the weakest parts of my spiritual life, starting with: my knowledge of the Bible.
I don't know much about the Bible. I learned a lot of the popular stories and a few parables from Sunday school, but I know that I need to know more. I want to learn more about people in the Bible like, Ester, Daniel, Joshua and much more, who God used in mighty ways. Since I've offered up my life for God to use me to do His work; I might as well take some of these anointed people from the Bible as examples.
I'm starting with Ester (for no specific reason). I've read Ester 1-5 already and I've learned a good amount so far.
When a read a certain amount of chapters, I write about what I learned. I think that after the end of each book that I read, I'll write a post about it and how it does/can affect my (and your) life. So look out for that :)
~God Bless! :)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Women's Retreat and Conference: Loved It!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
God's Word

Pretty Little Study Bible
I went to Barnes and Noble's today with my beau and in the Bibles section found this bright pink study Bible.
It's the Student's Life Application Study Bible NLT( New Living Translation)

I spent some time flipping through it with him and came to the conclusion that: I love it! I want this bible (or one that maybe didn't come in such a bright pink color).
What I Love About It...
The New Living Translation Bible versions are so much easier to read than New/King James version. The old biblical words are translated (with the meaning kept) to words that are used currently and easily understandable, as much as I love my New Kings James Version, it is a lot easier to read the NLT.
I also like the fact that within the Bible there are side notes such as other young Christians' experiences with real life situations, an "I wonder" list of questions about what the bible says about certain issues (tattoos, sexual temptations, revenge, etc.) and much more!
I really recommend this bible to teens and college students/young adults. I'm going to continue looking for a nice study Bible and if I don't find one as much as I do this one, I think I'll get it, hopefully in another than the sky blue or something :)
~God Bless! :)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Women's Retreat!?
From Thusday August 5th to Saturday August 7th I have been invited to and will be attending a Women's Retreat that my church is hosting.
I have never been to one before and I don't know what really to expect. I am very grateful because my ticket has been paid for through fund raisers and other donations, I believe, and I am planning on enjoying myself. I mean, it's fun hanging out with other Christians at a retreat, right? Yes!...I think so at least :)
I will be praying about it before I go, that there will be no problems and that I will have a very fun experience.
I will report back on it; hopefully that it was fun and fulfilling and that I hope that I can attend next year's :)
God's Word